Professor Eldor received his Ph.D in Economics from Harvard University, and prior to joining the IDC served on the Faculty of the Graduate School of Management at Boston University and Tel Aviv University.

Professor Eldor main areas of research are in Asset Pricing and liquidity, Asset Pricing and Terrorism, Hedging and Derivatives and in International Economics.

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The volatility of the stock markets, exchange rate markets, interest rates and commodity prices in the past decades incur increased demand and supply of derivatives, both for investments purposes and hedging purposes.

This book provides comprehensive treatment of futures contracts, forward contracts and option contracts, convertible bonds and other derivatives. The book elaborates on the regulation of the option markets, especially the one existed in Tel-Aviv.

The new edition provides comprehensive treatment of structured products, exotic options, risk management and the fear index–VIX.

The Book Is avalible for online reading (Hebrew)

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